Friday, April 19th, 2024


Huge dead zone in Gulf of Oman is far worse than feared – but what is it?

A large ‘dead zone’ in the Gulf of Oman is increasing in size, according to scientists who warn the oxygen-scarce area is worse than previously thought and poses a threat to the environment. But what does that mean?

The dead zone in the Arabian Sea is now the world’s biggest Oxygen Minimum Zone (OMZ). About the size of Scotland or Florida, the dead zone almost covers the entire Gulf of Oman, which borders Iran, Oman, Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates.

A dead zone is an area of the sea or a large body of water that’s almost entirely devoid of oxygen. The low-oxygen areas are called dead zones as they can’t sustain marine life. Fish, animals and plant life in the zones suffocate as a result of low oxygen levels, while some marine life manages to swim away from the area, leaving it empty.

Conditions in Gulf of Oman

The existence of the Gulf of Oman dead zone has been known for about 50 years, but the extent of the area has only recently been confirmed thanks to the use of underwater robots, called Seagliders.

“The Arabian Sea is the largest and thickest dead zone in the world. But until now, no-one really knew how bad the situation was because piracy and conflicts in the area have made it too dangerous to collect data,” Dr Bastien Queste from UEA’s School of Environmental Sciences said. “We barely have any data collected for almost half a century because of how difficult it is to send ships there.

What causes dead zones?
Dead zones can occur naturally, but also grow as a result of excessive nutrient pollution from human activities, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration explains.

Many chemical, physical and biological factors combine to create dead zones, but nutrient pollutions are the primary culprit. Nitrogen and phosphorus in fertilizers run into the water, and then act as nutrients which fertilize algae.

The algae eventually dies and decomposes in the water. This then feeds bacteria which consume oxygen around them, depleting the supply. Climate change has exacerbated the issue, as warmer waters contain less oxygen.

The Gulf of Mexico is home one of the largest dead zones, which occurs each spring when farmers fertilize their land and the rain washes the fertilizer into rivers and into the sea. An area in the Baltic Sea is another large dead zone.

Why are dead zones bad?

Dead zones are “a real environmental problem, with dire consequences for humans too who rely on the oceans for food and employment.” Guete said.

More worryingly, dead zones produce nitrous oxide, which is more damaging to the environment than carbon dioxide.

Scientists warn that computer simulations of ocean oxygen reveal levels will decrease over the next 100 years, with oxygen minimum zones growing. The next step for researchers is further study to determine all of the contributing causes of the increasing dead zone.

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