Somali intelligence are looking the role of Hassan Sheikh in the car explosion in Mogadishu

A car full of exposive has attacked a convoy in Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu, on Saturday in an attempt to assassinate a local police chief. At least 4 people were killed and 9 others are injured.

Somali media quoted the country’s police as saying that a vehicle rigged with explosives hit a convoy carrying Banaadir’s regional police chief, Colonel Farhan Qarole, who survived the attack.

Somali inteligence are looking the role of former president Hassan Sheik could have on the current attacked normally claimed by the terror group Shabaab.

Hassan Sheikh has threatened the current police leader in the Capital Farhan Qarole claiming that Qarole is the same Hawiye clan as him so he shouldn’t serve the government after his predeccesor of the same Hawiye clan was sacked because of treason. Hasan wanted Farhan Qarole to tribally join his Hawiye opposition instead.

The police chief Qarole refused instead chose to serve his nation. A source close to Somali intelligence said that they will look into a possible link between the current failed assasination attempt and the so called tribal alliance.

Abdillahi Warhaye



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