Saturday, July 27th, 2024


Türkiye to export long-range artillery missile to Indonesia

Major Turkish defense manufacturer Roketsan announced its first export deal for the land-to-land, long-range artillery system Khan to Indonesia, a company official said Thursday.

Roketsan’s Assistant General Manager Murat Kurtuluş mentioned the importance of the Southeast Asian market for the company noting that the region’s developing economy and population, as well as its geopolitical effects, will continue to play an important role in the upcoming years.

His statements came during the Indo Defense Expo & Forum 2022 held in Jakarta, where several Turkish defense industry companies took place together with Roketsan.

“With the contracts we have signed, we will be offering our first products to the Indonesian Ministry of Defense in the near future. There are two separate issues at stake. The first is the land-to-land long-range artillery system Khan. This system is an important weapon system that is effective with a range of up to 280 kilometers (173.98 miles) and high precision.”

The second agreement was aimed at layered air defense, he said, mentioning two separate systems with medium and long range.

Kurtuluş, bringing to focus the Indonesian geographical structure, consisting of islands and long coastlines, noted the country’s requirement for naval systems and ship-to-ship guided naval missiles.

He also expressed his hope that the “Roketsan products will be preferred more in Indonesia.”

The Khan missile can be launched from an 8×8 Multi-Barrel Rocket Launcher (MBRL), according to the company’s website. It can also be launched from other tactical wheeled vehicle platforms with integration-compatible interfaces, per the different needs of customers.

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