Saturday, July 27th, 2024


English news

UK armed northern Somalia group start terrorising Las’anod town

The secessionist group in Northern Somalia who called themselves ''Somaliland'' and is armed and supported by the UK are terrorising the Sool region in Northern Somalia. ...

More English news News

Probe points to origin of drones used to attack Russia – media

Drones used by Ukraine to attack targets in Russia were produced by an American company based near Phoenix, Arizona, investigators have ...

Kadyrov says he is proud of EU sanctions against his daughters

Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov said on Friday he was taking pride in the fact that the European Union had imposed sanctions ...

US rushing to replace weapons sent to Ukraine

The US Army is speeding up its weapons acquisition processes to replenish stocks depleted by the constant flow of arms shipments ...

Grain can only send to poorer countries not the West: RUSSIA

Russia supports the extension of the grain transport deal, agreed with Ukraine, but only under strict compliance with the UN-backed agreement, ...

Russia allows extension to grain deal

Russia is “allowing a technical prolongation” of the Black Sea grain initiative, which is set to expire later this week, the Foreign Ministry ...

North Korea fires more ballistic missiles – Seoul

North Korea fired four short-range ballistic missiles into the sea on Saturday, according to South Korea’s Defense Ministry. The rockets are ...

Transition to electric cars projected to cost EU over half a million jobs

The EU’s transition to electric cars may lead to a loss of 600,000 jobs across the bloc, the commissioner for the ...

Türkiye to export long-range artillery missile to Indonesia

Major Turkish defense manufacturer Roketsan announced its first export deal for the land-to-land, long-range artillery system Khan to Indonesia, a company ...

Russia-Türkiye trade soaring

Economic cooperation between Russia and Türkiye has been on the rise this year, Deputy Economic Development Minister Vladimir Ilyichev revealed on ...

China will work with Russia as ‘great powers’ – Xi

Chinese President Xi Jinping wants to work with Moscow to take on the responsibilities of “great powers,” he told his Russian ...

US can’t save EU from energy crisis it creates

The US is not able to ease the EU’s energy crunch by increasing its shipments of oil and gas to EU ...

Putin explains how Russia and Turkey will bypass the dollar

Russian gas supplies to Turkey will be partly paid for in rubles, President Vladimir Putin said during a meeting with his ...

US supports Ukraine attacking Crimea – Politico

The US regards Ukrainian strikes on Crimea as fair game for "self-defense purposes,” Politico reported on Thursday, citing an unnamed official in President ...

Russia explains rules for using nuclear weapons

Russia is a responsible nuclear power and will only use its nuclear arms if attacked with weapons of mass destruction or ...

Russia accuses American armed Ukraine of ‘nuclear terrorism’

Ukrainian troops have committed “a new act of nuclear terrorism” by continuing to shell the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant, the Russian Defense Ministry warned on ...

Russia destroys hundreds of US-made rockets in Ukraine: MoD

Russian forces have destroyed a large amount of munitions for American-made weapon systems after striking a depot in central Ukraine, Russia’s ...

Iran issues warning to US and Israel

The Iranian military has warned the US and Israel against threatening the country after President Joe Biden said Washington would “use all ...

US approves 108m arms deal with Taiwan

US President Joe Biden’s administration has green-lighted a new arms sale to Taiwan, including armored vehicle parts and technical assistance, potentially ...

Russia’s defense minister pays surprise visit to Ukraine

Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has inspected Russian troops involved in the ongoing military operation in neighboring Ukraine, the ministry revealed ...

Saudi prince reminds Biden of US torture in Iraq

SAUDI Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman allegedly called out Washington’s long track of “mistakes” made in Iraq and Afghanistan as President ...

Foreign-supplied tanks destroyed in Kiev – Russia

Russian airstrikes have destroyed foreign-supplied tanks in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev, Moscow said on Sunday. Defense Ministry spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov ...

Western inflation down to ‘unprecedented’ money-printing – Putin

Inflation in the US is a consequence of mistakes by American financial authorities, which they have conceded themselves, Russian President Vladimir ...

Turkish defense industry eyes new air-to-air missiles for Akıncı UCAV

Okumuş said that air-to-air missiles are very critical and they are defined as the "sword" of aircraft. He also pointed out that ...

US won’t send long-range rocket systems to Ukraine

The US will not supply Ukraine with long-distance missile systems that are capable of striking deep into Russian territory, President Joe ...

Poland halts free fuel supplies to Ukraine

Warsaw has stopped free fuel supplies to Ukraine, the Polish minister of climate and environment said in an interview with the ...

Bulgaria reconsidering ruble gas payments

Bulgaria plans to discuss ruble payments for Russian gas with the European Commission, Energy Minister Alexander Nikolov said in an interview ...

Germany says it will back NATO expansion

Germany will support the admission of Finland and Sweden into the NATO military alliance, Chancellor Olaf Scholz said, after the two ...

Trump says Putin doesn’t respect American leadership anymore

Russian President Vladimir Putin does not respect American leadership anymore and demonstrates this lack of respect by talking about nuclear weapons ...

Russia’s oil revenues expected to soar

Russia will see its income from the oil sector rise sharply this year and reach more than $180 billion, despite production ...

 More »

Maxaa cusub

Iiraan oo gaartay lix guul oo horleh weerarkii Yuhuuda

April, 16, 2024
Weerarkii Iiraan ay ku qaaday Yuhuuda ayadoo la wada ogaa inay aargoosanayso oo weliba ay u sheegtay kooxda ...

Yuhuuda oo qiratay in saldhig milatari iyo gego diyaaradeedba ku daayeen

April, 14, 2024
Weerarki xalay ee Iiraan ku qaaday Yuhuuda oo mardhow soo idlaaday ayaa Yuhuuda uu ka soo gaaray khasaare ...

Maraykanku ma ku dhacaa inuu weeraro Iiraan kadib weerarkii Yuhuuda?

April, 14, 2024
Iiraan ayaa hurdada u diiday Yuhuuda iyo kooxda Xalane kadib weerar ilaa hadda socda oo ay ku fasaxday ...

Wadamada Kuwayd, Qadar oo Maraykanka u diiday

April, 13, 2024
Wadamada Kuwayd iyo Qadar ayaa Maryaykanka u diiday inuu Iiraan ka weeraro saldhigyada milatari ee uu ku leeyahay ...

Iiraan oo maskaxiyan u dishay Yuhuuda xilli ayna far

April, 13, 2024
Iiraan ayaa wacad ku martay inay ka aargoosato xasuuqii Yuhuudu ka gaysatay safaaradeedii Suuriya oo saraakiil iyo shacab ...

Ruushka oo tijaabiyay gantaal rajo tiraya difaaca Maraykanka

April, 13, 2024
Wasaarada difaaca ee Ruushka ayaa shaacisay inay tijaabisay gantaal rajo tiraya difaaca cirka ee Maraykanka xilli kooxda Xalane ...

Heshiiska badda ee Soomaaaliya iyo Turkiga yaa ka naxay ma Axmaarka mise??? XASAASI

February, 24, 2024
Turkiga iyo Soomaaliya ayaa qalinka ku duugay heshiis labada dhinacba dan u ah oo soo socday ilaa dawladii ...

Caruurtii uu hooyadood ku hor gubay oo afka furtay: Qaracan runtii

February, 21, 2024
Maxkamad samirsiin u ah qoyska la baxsaday gacan ku dhiiglaha xaaskii gubay ayaa lagu qabtey Muqdisho. Waxase qaracana ...

Qisada Cumar binu Khadaab iyo haweenay oynaysa

February, 20, 2024
Qisada amiir Cumar binu khadaab iyo haweenayda ooyaysa. Waxa u caadi ahayd amiirka xilligiisii inuu habeenkii magaalada Madiina ...

Dawlada Somaliya oo si toosa u sheegtay aqoonsiga Awdalstate

February, 13, 2024
Dawlada Somaliya oo si cad u sheegtay inay aqoonsanayso maamul ay leeyihiin shacabka gobolka Awdal oo iyagu si ...

Madaxweynaha Awdalstate Dr Nageeye oo Muqdisho lagu soo dhaweeyay

February, 8, 2024
Madaxweynaha Awdalstate Dr Cabdisamad Nageeye ayaa si diiran loogu soo dhaweeyay magaalada Muqdisho halkaas oo uu ka jeediyay ...

Qisada wiil aan masjidka laga waayin oo gabadh qurxoon dhexda ku sugi jirtay

January, 28, 2024
Qisada waxa magacaeeda la yiras wiilkii qabriga ka dhex hadlay.  Waqtigii rasuulkeena scw scw waxa jiray wiil dhalinyara ah ...

Dagaal aan la galno Soomaaliya haba sheegin kala jarna hadalkeed daa: Cabi Axmed

January, 27, 2024
Raiisal wasaaraha Itoobiya Cabi Axmed oo gartay inuu bad galay ayaa sheegay inayna dan ugu jirin dagaal uu ...

Tiirarka salaada ee hadaanad iska hubin ayna salaadaadu jirin

January, 22, 2024
Tiirka salaada oo aad qalado salaadaadu waa kakac Salaadu waxay leedahay tiirar aan laga gudbi karin, haddii aad ka ...

Axmaar Cabi Axmed ma ku dhiiran karaa inuu Awdal xoog ku galo

January, 9, 2024
Waa su'aal dad badan oo khuburo is weydiinayaan. Sidee ku fushan karaa heshiiska uu la galay dhiigyacab Muuse ...

Hub nooceeya oo degdega ayaa dalku u baahan yahay

January, 9, 2024
Soomaaliya si ay u ilaashato qaranimadeeda ayadoo qaadaysa dhinaca is difaaca hub nooceeya ayay si degdega ugu baahan ...

Gaal kale ma soo degdegayo inta Turkigu saldhig ku leeyahay dalka

January, 9, 2024
Turkiga ayaa wacad ku maray inuu ilaaliyo qaranimo dhuleed ee dalka, Turkiga ayaa saldhiga Afrika ugu weyn ku ...

Kooxda Xalane oo walaacii ugu weynaa soo wajahay

January, 9, 2024
Sideed cisho ayaa bishani dhaaftaey waxayna shacabka Soomaaliyeed u ahayd sideed casho oo hadii dhiig laga saro aan ...

Banaanbixii ka dhacay Awdal oo walaac ku abuuray qorshaha Ingiriiska

January, 8, 2024
Reer Awdal ayaa maanta muujiyay arin ka yaabisay qorshaha weyn ee Ingiriisku ka lahaa gobolada Waqooyi gaar ahaan ...


Iiraan oo gaartay lix guul oo horleh weerarkii Yuhuuda

April, 16, 2024
Weerarkii Iiraan ay ku qaaday Yuhuuda ayadoo la ...

Heshiiska badda ee Soomaaaliya iyo Turkiga yaa ka naxay ma Axmaarka mise??? XASAASI

February, 24, 2024
Turkiga iyo Soomaaliya ayaa qalinka ku duugay heshiis ...

Dagaal aan la galno Soomaaliya haba sheegin kala jarna hadalkeed daa: Cabi Axmed

January, 27, 2024
Raiisal wasaaraha Itoobiya Cabi Axmed oo gartay inuu ...

Kooxda Xalane oo walaacii ugu weynaa soo wajahay

January, 9, 2024
Sideed cisho ayaa bishani dhaaftaey waxayna shacabka Soomaaliyeed ...

Banaanbixii ka dhacay Awdal oo walaac ku abuuray qorshaha Ingiriiska

January, 8, 2024
Reer Awdal ayaa maanta muujiyay arin ka yaabisay ...


UK armed northern Somalia group start terrorising Las’anod town

February, 5, 2023
The secessionist group in Northern Somalia who called ...

Probe points to origin of drones used to attack Russia – media

December, 14, 2022
Drones used by Ukraine to attack targets in ...

Kadyrov says he is proud of EU sanctions against his daughters

December, 13, 2022
Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov said on Friday he ...

US rushing to replace weapons sent to Ukraine

November, 20, 2022
The US Army is speeding up its weapons ...

Grain can only send to poorer countries not the West: RUSSIA

November, 17, 2022
Russia supports the extension of the grain transport ...

Russia allows extension to grain deal

November, 17, 2022
Russia is “allowing a technical prolongation” of the Black Sea ...

North Korea fires more ballistic missiles – Seoul

November, 3, 2022
North Korea fired four short-range ballistic missiles into ...

Transition to electric cars projected to cost EU over half a million jobs

October, 31, 2022
The EU’s transition to electric cars may lead ...

Türkiye to export long-range artillery missile to Indonesia

October, 31, 2022
Major Turkish defense manufacturer Roketsan announced its first ...

Russia-Türkiye trade soaring

October, 21, 2022
Economic cooperation between Russia and Türkiye has been ...

China will work with Russia as ‘great powers’ – Xi

September, 15, 2022
Chinese President Xi Jinping wants to work with ...

US can’t save EU from energy crisis it creates

September, 5, 2022
The US is not able to ease the ...

Putin explains how Russia and Turkey will bypass the dollar

September, 5, 2022
Russian gas supplies to Turkey will be partly ...

US supports Ukraine attacking Crimea – Politico

August, 12, 2022
The US regards Ukrainian strikes on Crimea as ...

Russia explains rules for using nuclear weapons

August, 10, 2022
Russia is a responsible nuclear power and will ...
