Friday, April 19th, 2024


Mass grave uncovered in the Industrial city of Kombolcha (Ethiopia)

It was this week that the Ethiopian government forces freed Kombolcha , where the mass grave is uncovered, and Dessie after a month long occupation by TPLF Forces

Days after the TPLF forces were cleared from Kombocha city, in North East Ethiopia, a mass grave was reportedly uncovered in the city.

According to a report by Walta Information, a state media, the grave was uncovered in the premises of a technical college in the city. The source said that it has observed a mass grave and a grader that was used to prepare it.

Ditches prepared for additional mass graves are also discovered.

Ahmed Yesuf, Deputy Mayor of the city, is cited as saying “many innocent civilians were summarily executed in a ruthless manner in our city. There are also those whose whereabouts are unknown yet.

He also confirmed that mass graves have been discovered in several institutions.  From the report, the mass graves are mostly prepared in education institutions. Agricultural college, Kalu Vocational and technical college and Kombolcha technic College are some of the places where there are mass graves, according to eyewitness accounts cited by the source.

Details of the mass grave are to be investigated and made public, he added.

There had been reports of execution of civilians in Kombolcha soon after the TPLF forces controlled it at the end of October.

The TPLF forces have carried out multiple massacres against innocent civilians in other parts of Amhara region and in Afar region too.

Apart from the mass killings, the city, known for being one of the industrial cities in Ethiopia, is looted by the TPLF forces. As many as 800 containers of loots are said to have been transported to the Tigray region, according to the sources.

There are also reports that the TPLF used UN trucks, that are meant for transporting aid, to transport the looted items. It has the advantage of not being targeted by the Ethiopian Air Force.

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