Yes, My name is Hilal and I am a Muslim

I’ve been raised in a Christian family, on a Christian school, with Jehova witness giving me Bible lessons at home and with all the Christian traditions.
I knew the Bible, but I never really got satisfied. I couldn’t live by this book and also I didn’t feel comfortable in churches.

While I grew older I noticed my interest in exploring other religions and cultures. But just as an interest, not to change my religion which was not an option in my mind.
I found that a lot of what other religions were saying had a truth in them, but I personally could never accept this whole religion as the truth. But it was the same as my beliefs in Christianity!

I began to think that there was truth in everything and it didn’t really matter what you believed in or what you followed. Surely though this is a form of escaping. I mean, does it make sense: one truth for one person and another truth for someone else? There can only be one truth right?!

All I knew in my heart is that there is a god and I can always turn to him with all my prayers which was the biggest strength, the biggest support and the biggest love in life. He sees and knows all! It was that simple for me.

I went on holiday in Turkey and visited a great mosque. With every step I took, the more I felt the presence of God with me. It was such a great feeling…like home. I felt calm and peaceful.

A Muslim taught me more about Islam and I felt confused and prayed, “Oh, please God, I am so confused, please guide me to the truth”.

Then I heard Adhan and I felt so calm and peaceful again. This is when I discovered Islam within my heart.

Of course I always knew something about Islam, but only what we naively hear in the West, which are mostly not very positive stories. So I was surprised by what I learnt. The more that I read the Quran and asked questions about what Islam taught, the more truths I received. It made sense. Everything is just logical!

Islam is love and tolerance for me, and Allah is all forgiving. Just the only sin that God will not forgive is the worship of creation. Worship the creator. Who give life and takes it again.

However, the truth of Islam can be found in the Quran. The Quran is like a text book guide to life. In it you will find all the answers to all your questions!
For me, everything I had learnt about all the different religions, everything that I knew to be true, fitted together like pieces of a puzzle. I had all the pieces all along but I just didn’t know how to fix them together or what name it had.

It is the true Islam as described in the Quran. Not the Islam that we get taught about in the West.

I read the Quran and I felt the purity and truth of it. There was no mysticism, just plain, simple understanding of the truth.
When I heard the Adhan (the call to prayer) I felt a closeness to God that penetrated deep into my heart and soul. It still does!

There are religions based on believing in certain sciences, multiple deities, the religion of 3 gods in one and the religion I had my whole live, but none of them made any logical sense to me.

Here was Islam, based on the belief in One God who created the creation itself out of nothing, and the fact that this book I was reading (Quran) had not one vowel or language changed in over 1400 years was a miracle in itself. Thus, I was sold on the oneness of God and the unity of Islam.

However, I found the religion which fits my heart. My beliefs are still the same…just another name…Islam.

When I was in Turkey I loved to be free to wear my hijab, to protect myself as a diamond. To see others live their beautiful religion.
My family does not accept/understand being a Muslim, like my whole country…. I can’t wear hijab here or pray correctly. Muslims are being bullied here and it can even be dangerous. Unfortunately there is a lot of hate against Islam here. All I can do is pray…for Allah to give guidance to me and all the lost ones and to give strength.

For me, there is only one God. And Islam is the religion of love and tolerance.
At last when people ask me if I am Muslim I proudly say: ‘Yes, My name is Hilal and I am a Muslim alhamdoulillah!’


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